Grab your Exclusive Pumping Starter Kit now!

It's time to get on a manageable pumping schedule so that you and your baby can thrive.

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Here's what you'll get inside this FREE Exclusive Pumping Schedule Starter Kit: 

  • The EXACT pumping schedules that I used from birth to 14 months when exclusively pumping for my baby (and I'm confident that they'll work for you, too!)
  • A Breast Milk Storage Guidelines printable, so you'll know how to store your milk safely.
  • A Breast Pump Bag Checklist, so you'll be able to pump on the go or at work without forgetting anything!
  • The reassuring feeling of knowing that you're on the right track and in control of your pumping schedule.
Send me my FREE Exclusive Pumping Starter Kit!

Hi! I’m Amanda, and I'm a Certified Lactation Counselor®. I exclusively pumped for my first child, Henry, for 14 months.

I've spent the past six years helping other pumping moms through my website, My goal is to help make exclusive pumping as easy as possible for you, so that you can stop stressing out about breastfeeding and enjoy your baby!

This proven Exclusive Pumping Starter Kit has helped more than 20,000 exclusive pumpers!  

Starter Kit Testimonial
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